Frequently Asked Questions
How does purchasing a property from your site work?

Pick the property you like. Talk to us via phone or text to set up a showing or ask questions about the land at 405-500-2969. When you are ready to move forward we will send you a purchase agreement. From there a closing will either be made with a reputable title company or notary public. 

Are you a real estate agent?

We are licensed brokers of real estate in Oklahoma. 

Can you help me look for a specific kind of property?

Yes! Let us know what kind of property you are looking for. We will either show you current properties we own or notify you when we have a property that meets your criteria. 

Are their any hidden fees when buying land from you?

There are no hidden fees. Just traditional closing costs if closed with a title company. 

Why are your properties so cheap?

We are a land investment company who buys land in bulk for cash. This often allows us to pass on savings to the end buyer. 

How do I know if this is a safe way to purchase property?

We will close with a reputable title company who will hold your funds in a protected escrow account until their attorneys are certain that we hold good and valid legal title to a property. The title company will also provide title insurance to you ensuring that your investment is protected. 

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